

In this blog series, we analyze and show how popular and successful tech company leaders communicate. We will provide an in-depth analysis of the communication style of the three famous tech leaders Jeff Bezos, Steve Jobs and Jack Ma. They are/were among the richest and most successful leaders in the world and are the ideal figures to study if someone wants to improve any management or leadership skills. 

Apple, Alibaba and Amazon are industry leaders in electronics and e-commerce market. These companies are revolutionizing our way of life and shaping our future.The tech leaders context is especially interesting for us because these tech leaders are the brains behind these global companies and understanding their behavior on how they run their company will give us glimpse of what our future might look like. Furthermore, we will compare the three tech leaders individual communication styles, point out differences and analyze the impact they have on others. In addition, we will use these analysis to create diagrams and models that shows the differences in their used communication styles as a useful tool for our target audience. 

Tech Leaders Giving Speech for their Respective Companies
Business students, entrepreneurs or seasoned managers who aspire to be great leaders and achieve tremendous success through communication can study these materials and analysis to improve their own communication. We think it will be worthwhile to follow our blog if you are interested in improving your communication skills.

Who are we?

We are three business students from Illinois State University with a keen interest in Leadership and tech companies. In this blog series, we combine our two interests and focus on the specific leadership aspect of communication. Each of us is a graduate level student with several years of studying leadership concepts.  We do not value our shared opinions as the be-all and end-all, however we feel confident in sharing them and want to assure our readers that our blog content is crafted very carefully and based on many sources. These range from some articles that were already written about Bezos, Jobs and Ma to communication papers that provide us with new concepts to analyze their communication style. 
We hope you enjoy our weekly updates and want to encourage you to provide us feedback.